
Sunday, March 14, 2010


Jason picked Jonas and I up on Wednesday night and we went straight to Mexico for the house dedication. A very kind women named Maria was given a house for her growing family. Spending the night in Mexico did not quite go as planned since Jonas did not sleep majority of the night. Other than that Jonas loved playing with 90 college kids and he danced around a little during praise and worshipped (pictured above).
Most of all, Jason and I were glad Jonas was able to see Mexico again. He understands that daddy builds houses in Mexico and says, "Casas house" on a regular basis. We want to raise our little guy knowing that he can help others with acts of selflessness. I feel that there is no better way than by showing Jonas why we serve Him in Juarez, Mexico. He needs to grow up seeing the faces of the Mexican people and see the poverty across the border so that he can understand how to serve and why we serve God and why He wants us to serve Him. We just want to raise Jonas to be a man of God that is for sure.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Family Voting Day

As always voting day is important in the Laffan house. I always explain to Jonas the significance of voting and why we are voting for our candidates. He really just likes the, "I Voted" sticker. However, I will continue to push my conservative values and beliefs on him so that when he turns 18 he can make a informed decision at the polls (Republican..........of course).